“I sincerely feel that we are forever changed when we enter the birthing and postpartum portals. Our biological and psychological nature shifts, and we are reborn with our newborns. Our babies are a reflection of us in those tender moments. They are new, fresh, and vulnerable….as are we! They need love, care, and nurturing….as do we!”

-Dru Erin Houchen


Birthing Doula - Awakened Spirit Yoga / The Doula School

Postpartum Doula - The Sacred Window [completion 2024]

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Professional Photography - Brooks Photography Institute

Reiki Artist Level III - Soul of Yoga

Sound Meditation Guide- Soul of Yoga

Physiologic Baby Care - Innate Traditions

Newborn Care - The Cradle Coach

Baby/Toddler Sleep Consultant - The Cradle Coach [completion 2024]

Women’s Holistic Health Coach - Arhanta

200-Hour ERYT Yoga Instructor - Marianne Wells Yoga

85-Hour PRTY Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Instructor - Awakened Spirit Yoga

50-Hour Yin Yoga Guide - Durga Excursions [completion 2024]

Breath Coach - The Whole Health Project

Hypnotherapy Guide - Arhanta

Grief & Bereavement Space Holder - Pursuing Wisdom Academy

Feng Shui - Tisha Morris

My Deeper Story

In July 2023, I welcomed my first baby, Clover Joy, to the world. Yet, amidst my sacred postpartum space, I recognized the scarcity of support and education available. I felt left in the dust when the postpartum window came. Yes, I had support; however, the education around what I was feeling on a biological and psychological level was non-existent. I was overwhelmed, had crippling fear-based OCD, postpartum anxiety, and depression, and was moving through a possible vulvar cancer scare. It all crept in and hit me like a ton of bricks! For sure, I had heard about postpartum anxiety and depression but never thought that would be me since I did so much work on my mental health! I thought I felt prepared because I had a delegated list of who was doing what and a meal train planned. What I did not prepare for or understand was the heartache I was going to endure around breastfeeding, hormone drop-off, intense body recovery, people-pleasing visitors, and feeling depleted, all after a two-day home labor.

Looking back, I remember feeling lost when trying to figure out what kind of support I might need. Prenatal doula, birth doula, midwife, postpartum chef, bodyworker, mama helper, nanny; I had no idea, so I just chose support with the birth. I needed a nurturing woman to come in and not ask me questions like, “What do you want to eat?”….I couldn’t think; I didn’t know what was happening, and the last thing I wanted was advice. I needed someone who could scan me, know what I needed, and do it!

I had completed a doula training three years before my daughter was born, and when she turned six months old, I felt a deep call to share my knowledge and experience. My mission was ignited by the desire to extend tender, loving care to other mothers, guiding them through the complex labyrinths of the prenatal and birthing process, with an emphasis on the postpartum window.

What is a Postpartum Doula?

A postpartum doula is a care provider who offers physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother and her family during the postpartum period. Unlike a birth doula, who assists during labor and delivery, a postpartum doula focuses on helping the family adjust to life with a newborn.

What is the postpartum period?

The postpartum period is the time following childbirth when the mother's physical, emotional, and mental body undergoes various physiological changes as it returns to its post-pregnancy state aka the new normal. 

Why Consider a Postpartum Doula?

A Postpartum Doula serves as a personal support system, assisting with physical recovery, emotional support, and nutritional guidance. Beyond these core areas, doulas provide practical assistance around the home, from light housekeeping to meal preparation, and strengthen familial relationships, helping integrate siblings and partners into care routines. Having a postpartum doula reduces the risk of postpartum depression, enhances breastfeeding success, and promotes robust physical recovery. It also fosters emotional bonding between mother and child, eases the transition into new family dynamics, and provides essential reassurance and education to new parents during this transformative period. With personalized care and dedicated attention, doulas empower mothers to confidently navigate the complexities of postpartum life, ensuring they feel supported every step of the way. My goal is to make the postpartum period a time of healing, joy, and growth, allowing each family to thrive in their new chapter together.

Guidance and Support

A guardian angel for new parents, offering evidence-based guidance and emotional support throughout the delicate postpartum period.


Rest and Recovery

Experience deep healing and recovery through bodywork, energy work, breathwork, sound meditation, and soothing support for your infant.


Customized Care

I tailor my services to meet each family's specific needs and preferences. All packages are flexible and can be adjusted to provide the exact support a family requires.


Focused Care

I take on only one client at a time to ensure that each person receives my full and undivided attention.


Create Lasting Memories

By hiring a Postpartum Doula, you invest in the well-being of the mother and her family. A doula helps create a nurturing environment for bonding with the baby and building memories that will last a lifetime.